Justin Garrison
Jan 1, 17
2017 Predictions
After 9 years of predictions I've been wrong with my predictions more often than I've been right.
Dec 19, 16
Why Kubernetes is Abbreviated k8s
Some times people will join the Kubernetes community and get confused on what the “k8s” is all about.
Dec 16, 16
Nest Cam Outdoor vs. Ring Stick Up Cam
The outdoor security camera market didn’t exist much before this year
Dec 13, 16
What Kind of Ethernet (Cat5, Cat5e, Cat6, Cat6a) Cable Should I Use?
Not all Ethernet cable is created equally. What’s the
Nov 7, 16
Google OnHub Feature Requests
Large scale DDoS are not rare occasions anymore. What we need to help protect the Internet is to make home routers
Nov 3, 16
How to Quickly Switch to a Different Month or Year in the Windows 7 Calendar
Windows 7 gives the ability to quickly pull up a calendar from the taskbar by clicking on the time.
Oct 19, 16
Space Computing 🚀 and Orbit Native Applications
Forgive the analogies, I read Breaking the Chains of Gravity
Sep 28, 16
What Is a Virtual Machine Hypervisor?
Hypervisors are what make virtual machines possible, and they aren’t just for servers
Sep 26, 16
No SDN Kubernetes
Kubernetes networking has a few requirements.
Sep 7, 16
Wordpress in Docker on a Raspberry Pi
Docker has been available on the Raspberry Pi for a while but 1.12 makes installation much easier.
Jun 1, 16
Exposing Services using Ingress with Kubernetes <= 1.5
This article has not been updated for Kubernetes clusters that use RBAC for API authentication (versions 1.6+).
Apr 6, 16
Linux on Windows Doesn’t Matter
Microsoft recently announced Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) which allows you to run some Linux binaries
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