Justin Garrison
Jan 25, 16
Major Linux Successes on the Desktop: 2016
After reading the Major Linux Problems on the Desktop article I thought
Jan 24, 16
Nexus Player vs. Roku 4 vs. Apple TV 4
This article is in reply to a post on Lifehacker
Jan 24, 16
Config Management Sucks Recording
Here’s my talk from the Southern California Linux Expo 14 (SCALE14x) this weekend.
Jan 14, 16
Getting the Most Out of Twitter
I’ve been using Twitter for a long time now. I’ve gone through many 3rd party apps, used it over SMS, and have tried various things.
Jan 2, 16
2016 Predictions
In a tradition that is now 8 years running 2009, here are my predictions for 2016.
Jan 1, 16
2015 Predictions Follow-up
My predictions for last year I was right about a lot but not always in the way I was hoping.
Dec 30, 15
iPhone vs. Android vs. webOS: A Counterpoint
Earlier this week, we compared the iPhone and Android in a knockdown showdown of features that matter to us.
Dec 30, 15
Crowd Surfing
Dec 29, 15
Windows vs. Linux Hardware Support
Nov 15, 15
Recommended Reading (or listening)
At my current job I have the luxury of a typical Southern California commute.
Oct 10, 15
What It’s Like to Interview for Tech Jobs
Oct 10, 15
2015 Predictions
That’s right, I took “technology” out of the title. Why, because I didn’t want to limit myself. As before,
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