Justin Garrison
Jun 23, 10
Rip Audio CDs in Linux with Sound Juicer
There are a plethora of programs that can rip audio CDs on Linux, but
May 17, 10
Making of webOS (r)evolution commercial
I would like to take a couple minutes to share with everyone how she made it, and what software I used
Jan 1, 10
2010 Tech Predictions
It was fun doing this last year. So I thought I would have another go at it and see what I come up with.
Jan 1, 10
2009 Predictions Follow-up
I thought I would follow up on my predictions for last year and see how I did.
Oct 4, 09
Tesla Roadster
For my birthday this past weekend I treated myself to something I wouldn’t normally do.
May 23, 09
Software Recycler
I had an idea a while ago for a website that I know I will never be able to act on so I thought
Jan 1, 09
2009 Predictions
I have never done this before but I thought I would take a swing and making some predictions
May 20, 08
Camera Zoom hack
Recently hack a day had a article about enhancing your Canon
Dec 2, 06
IT Crowd Cross-stitch
I have mentioned the IT Crowd before and if you haven’t seen it yet you need to check out
May 11, 06
Is 55 the Answer?
Experimenting with fuel efficiency at 55 MPH
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