Justin Garrison
Oct 10, 15
10 Minute Monitor Ambient Light
Ambient lights help with eye strain and glare from overhead lights. This is a simple light you can install
Nov 19, 14
Prevent People from Forwarding or Replying All in Outlook
If you frequently send out mass email news letters and keep getting users replying to all recipients, or need to
Nov 15, 14
What Does “Free as in Speech” or “Free as in Beer” Really Mean?
In the open source community you’ll often hear the phrase “free as in speech” or “free as in beer” in
Jan 15, 14
Nexus 5 or Moto X? Review and Comparisons from a Past iPhone User
TL;DR — I was using an iPhone 4s for two years, an iPhone 5c for a few months, I really liked how fast and small
Jan 1, 14
2014 Technology Predictions
A new year is here so I’ll take another swing at how technology will change in the year 2014. This will
Dec 30, 13
How To Be Successful with a Standing Desk
In January 2014 I will have been using a standing desk as my main desk for three years. Here are three tips
Sep 27, 13
Turning 30
I just turned 30. I wanted to share 30 things I’ve learned in the past 30 years. Or at least the things I
Sep 20, 13
What is Pulp, Candlepin, Foreman, and Katello
I have been working with some of the above products at work for the past couple of weeks and I just cam
Aug 8, 13
Version Number 0: A New Way to Do Software Versions
I had this idea while driving into work with a friend and, like a lot of my ideas, I just wanted to
Jul 10, 13
Make Domain Users Part of Local Admin Group in OS X
I came across this and thought it may be helpful for someone. OS X only uses the traditional
Jun 24, 13
Slim Wallet Comparison
As a follow-up to my recent article about the best wallet ever, I was given the opportunity to test some of the slim wallets
Apr 8, 13
Why a Rubber Band Is the Best Wallet I’ve Ever Had
I have always had a bad relationship with wallets. It was just one more thing I had to carry because there
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