Justin Garrison
Jan 6, 24
Nu Shell Is Cool
Converting a file is a common task and nu shell was the most intuitive way to do it.
Dec 30, 23
Amazon's Silent Sacking
Companies are fighting back for quiet quitting and it's having a big impact.
Oct 20, 23
How I Track My Resume in Git
My workflow for resume and application tracking with branches based on roles and companies.
Oct 8, 23
4 Tips for a Better Conference Experience
How I get the most out of attending technical conferences.
Sep 6, 23
The Data Driven Falacy
Lies, damned lies, and data driven.
Aug 29, 23
Terraform vs. GitOps vs. System Initiative
What are key differences between infrastructure management options in 2023
Jul 31, 23
Document Driven Meetings at Amazon
How Amazon uses document reading to conduct meetings and stay focused.
Jun 29, 23
Patterns vs Platforms
You don't have to build a platform.
Jun 5, 23
Zsh Global Aliases
My favorite zsh feature no one uses
Apr 24, 23
Mastodon Is Doomed
Mastodon won't be the next Twitter, and it's not because of Bluesky. The ideals and execution won't scale.
Mar 19, 23
Launch Flatpak apps easily from your terminal
How to make it easier to launch command line utilities and GUI applications installed with flatpak
Mar 15, 23
Content was king
Judging a book by its cover is a great idea. Until content makes a comeback.
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