Justin Garrison
Sep 2, 10
Upgrade Your old iPod with Rockbox
If you are tired of trying to keep up with Apple’s new iPod releases
Sep 1, 10
Help Computer Users Remotely with TeamViewer
Before remote software, helping your friends and family with computer problems
Aug 25, 10
Build Your Own Personal Wiki Accessible from Any PC
A personal wiki is an amazing place to store all of your notes, to-do lists
Aug 18, 10
Install Homebrew Apps in the WebOS Emulator
After your webOS emulator is set up, it can get boring without any new
Aug 16, 10
How to Create a Wallpaper Slideshow in Ubuntu
Just like Windows 7 and OS X, Ubuntu has the ability to create a slideshow
Aug 12, 10
Create a Windows 7 Theme Pack From Scratch
Windows customization isn’t anything new, but with Windows 7, customization
Jul 26, 10
Test Drive webOS Without Buying a Phone
With all the new mobile operating systems how do you to know which
Jul 19, 10
Four Ways to get Instant Access to a Terminal in Linux
If you have ever found yourself in need of a terminal available at
Jul 12, 10
Tag and Rename Music with TagScanner
There are plenty of automatic music organization tools but for those
Jul 8, 10
Run Android on Your Windows Mobile Phone
Interested in Android but think you need to buy a new phone to
Jun 29, 10
How to Batch Edit Photos with Phatch
If you have ever needed to edit a whole folder of photos with the same effect or
Jun 28, 10
Use Ctrl+Alt+Del for Task Manager in Linux to Kill Tasks Easily
In Windows you can easily kill any task by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Del and bringing
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