Justin Garrison
December 22, 2010

Use Your PC to Keep Yourself Entertained While Traveling for the Holidays

Posted on December 22, 2010  •  3 minutes  • 523 words

Staying connected may be hard no matter what network you are on, and in flight Wi-Fi isn’t pervasive enough to count on. Here are tips and tricks to keep yourself entertained when unplugged and traveling.

Image Via MarinaAvila

Audio and Video

Little keeps us entertained like the music and movies we love. There are plenty of ways to keep occupied online with YouTube, Hulu, and Netflix but what happens when your cord is cut? Obviously DVDs are not practical when traveling so here are a few easy ways to get your movies and TV shows on your computer, phone, iPod, or portable gaming system with ease.

Lets not forget you can also download YouTube videos for offline viewing or set up Miro to download some of the fantastic Revision3 shows before you leave.

Reading and Writing

If music and movies aren’t your cup of tea, we also have a plethora of how-tos to get your favorite book or article onto your eReader of choice.


If you are a gamer then you probably already have some great games stored on your laptop or mobile device to keep you entertained on a trip to Mars. But what if you are a casual gamer and don’t have an expansive library stored on your laptop?

For some flash based games you can download the .swf file to your laptop for offline playing using the Firefox Unplug addon . If you are looking for some of the flash games we have featured on the site over the years, check out the list of Friday fun articles we have posted.


For some people work doesn’t stop when you are on vacation. However transitioning all of your work to Google docs doesn’t seem like that great of an idea if you won’t be online for an extended period of time. Here are some tips to make those cloud apps work locally so you can use them offline.

There are also plenty of options available to building a wiki and taking it with you on the go.

With all of these options available your only enemy will be the batteries that give life to your electronics, and maybe your drunk uncle but we can’t help you with that.

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