Justin Garrison
November 8, 2022

Avalanche - 123dev #97

Posted on November 8, 2022  •  2 minutes  • 355 words
Someone records an avalanche coming toward them


Accidental priorities

I uninstalled the Twitter app from my phone last week. My screen time usage dropped 24%. An average of 1 hour and 45 min every day. I knew I was checking it too much but I didn’t realize how much.

I’m trying to capitalize on some of that extra time with intentional learning and choosing what I prioritize. I would like to spend the time learning things more deeply, but that is difficult in 5-15 minute increments. So far I haven’t figured out what will work for me, but I have had more motivation to write on my site. If you haven’t subscribed to my site please check out the first link.

A million snowflakes

A snowflake is a beautiful work of art from nature. A blizzard is an overwhelming, blinding storm. An avalanche is the terrifying breaking point of unsupportable burden.

I read an update about the Ukraine war this week and it said people work “emotionally exhausted” and that must be the understatement of the year. Covid, recession, climate, and on top of that war! The people in Ukraine are the toughest, most resilient humans on the planet.

It has been 10 months and I still hope this war comes to a quick conclusion so they can begin rebuilding their country, cities, and lives.

I wrote a about some common idealized rules for infrastructure and why they’re dangerous.

Automated, immutable, and declarative - Justin Garrison

Automated, immutable, and declarative - Justin Garrisonwww.justingarrison.com The infrastructure lies we tell ourselves, and why they’re useful.

A good round up of areas where Kubernetes is complex.

Accidental complexity, essential complexity, and Kubernetes | Drifting in Space

Accidental complexity, essential complexity, and Kubernetes | Drifting in Spacedriftingin.space

Why Kubernetes is complex

Systems don’t need to scale at the beginning. If you’re building for scale without data then you’re pre-optimizing when you should be shipping features and getting users.

How to peacefully grow your service | by Jaana Dogan | Aug, 2022 | Medium

How to peacefully grow your service | by Jaana Dogan | Aug, 2022 | Mediumrakyll.medium.com In the last almost two decades, I have seen numerous Internet services ranging from small services for niche markets to Tier 1 services for major Internet companies. In this period, apart from…

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